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About this Framework

Traditional canoes, New Caledonia - Stuart Chape

This Framework is the most recent in a series of regional Pacific strategies for nature conservation that have been produced approximately every five years since 1985. It replaces the Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2014-2020.

This 2021-2025 Framework has been reviewed, discussed and endorsed by the participants of the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas (Pacific Nature Conference), convened virtually in November 2020. It reflects the urgent need for coordinated action across the Pacific region to address both contemporary environmental crises, and emerging threats to Pacific environments, communities, and economies. Commitments to action were articulated by Pacific leaders at the 2020 Pacific Nature Conference through the Vemööre Declaration, which also forms part of this Framework.

The Framework includes notes on the various responsibilities of stakeholders in its implementation, on its governance arrangements, and on monitoring and reporting of regional progress. Recognising the importance of alignment with other multilateral instruments and agreements, the Strategic Objectives of the Framework are linked to key global environment and development frameworks.


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