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Global and regional environmental governance

Rock Islands, Palau 2 - Stuart Chape

The Pacific participates in a complex system of global environmental agreements and frameworks, each with varying levels of influence over national and regional policies, and varying extents of implementation within those policies. The primary global mechanism for biodiversity conservation is the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) which [has adopted the 20 Targets of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework]. Pacific Island countries and territories prepare their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to reflect the Goals and Targets of the CBD as well as their national priorities and regional commitments.

Demonstrating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is also a priority for Pacific Island countries and territories, and is closely linked to national programmes of action for nature conservation. Appendix A links the Strategic Objectives of this Framework to both the Targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework and the SDGs.

Regional agreements and frameworks are a primary vehicle for regionalism in Pacific and a key element of regional governance. These generally outline collective approaches to selected regional issues, with the bulk of implementation responsibilities at the national level. Influential regional frameworks include those on climate change and disaster risk management, ocean governance, pollution and hazardous waste, biodiversity and conservation, and political and economic regionalism. It is intended that the implementation of this Framework for Nature Conservation be consistent with the delivery of these other regional frameworks and agreements.

Appendix B lists global and regional agreements and frameworks of direct relevance to this Framework.


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