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Implementation and communication of the Framework

Image courtesy of SPREP PEBACC Project

Addressing the multiple environmental crises facing the Pacific region depends on rigorous implementation of regional and global frameworks, agreements, and policy documents, including this one. Implementation of this Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021-2025 is the collective responsibility of its broad range of conservation stakeholders, although these responsibilities differ between groups of stakeholders (see section ‘Who should use this Framework, and how?’). The Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT) also has a particular role in promoting, facilitating and monitoring the implementation of the Framework.

Communication to ensure visibility and understanding of the Framework among stakeholders is a critical factor for its successful implementation. PIRT will prepare and execute a communication plan to promote implementation of the Framework among its own member organisations on working groups, Pacific government agencies, and other stakeholders. This will require commitment to an ongoing programme of strategic and focused engagement across the region, and appropriate resourcing to facilitate this. PIRT will also engage proactively with donor agencies to encourage the Strategic Objectives and Principles of the Framework to be integrated into funding criteria, project prioritisation, and reporting processes.

A key principle of multilateral agreements is that the delivery of any one agreement or framework should be consistent with that of others. Implementation of this Framework should therefore occur in a manner that aligns with other relevant global and regional frameworks; a selection of the most directly relevant are presented in Appendix B.


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