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Using data has never been more on the agenda. We want to tell the story of where we are today with nature conservation in the Pacific. Our conference is the bridge between the data and those who need to learn something from it or make decisions based on its analysis. We have prepared a new regional State of Environment and Conservation Report. But we want to complement our narrative with your exciting fact visualizations. We know that facts are powerful. But with a good illustration, it’s unforgettable.

How to submit


We accept striking facts submitted up to 1 week before the conference. 


How it works

Review the eligibility and requirements before submitting your proposal.

We will evaluate your proposal only on the eligibility and requirements. Eligible proposals that follow the requirements are accepted. Everyone submitting a proposal that is considered non-eligible and/or not following the requirements will be notified.


Virtual Fact Gallery

Images of all accepted entries will be included in the Virtual Fact Gallery and will be kept on the web platform until 1 year after the conference.


Eligibility and requirements

Fact Gallery entries may include maps, text, diagrams, and illustrations.


All submissions must include the following:

  • Title of the fact

  • Author(s) name

  • Primary contact information

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Organization name

  • A brief description of the fact

  • Geographic location of the story

  • A high-resolution digital image file

  • Keyword set (list 3–5 keywords) linked to the action tracks of the conference. Keywords are used to organize facts on the gallery.


Determine which category is right for your digital submission. 

Multiple entries are permitted.

The information you submit will be published on the website. Submissions must be in English, in French or in both languages. All papers and presentations must be non-commercial. At no time is it permissible to advertise or promote a product, service, or organization/company.


Fact topics

Facts we are interested in are related to the Action Tracks.


Submission guidelines

Be clear

Be educational


Helpful tips

Focus on numbers or strong visuals

The focus of your striking fact should illustrate an issue related to a concrete aspect of conservation.


Be specific

Please provide pertinent keywords. This will help us determine the appropriate category for your Striking Fact.


No product or organization promotion allowed

The information you submit will be published on the website, but all facts must be non-commercial. At no time is it permissible to advertise or promote a product, service, or organization/company.

SUBMIT YOUR striking fact
Upload Image File
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)

Your Striking Fact has been submitted!

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